KO Hanbul
In Jecheon Duksan Elementary School, below Woraksan Mountain, 15 students have been in the same class for six years. They don¡¯t sit still during the class like any others. After school, they would gather at their secret place by the river. They would whisper about their teacher that he can¡¯t even control his own emotions. The new teacher, Yun-jae, who imagined his students to be calm and well-behaved, is frustrated to see them quite different from any other students. The children are now heading toward graduation. Their seasons fly in the sky. What is the sky filled with?
When I was assigned to Jecheon Duksan Elementary School a few years ago, I regarded students¡¯ feelings and imagination to be immature and uncomplicated. But seeing their obscure questions and their faces wearing the look of disappearing into somewhere in a deep world, I was dimly reminded of my childhood. I went back to that school after hearing that the children now entered the sixth grade. If I¡¯m with them, would I be able to encounter the vivid and rich moments that I¡¯ve lost in adulthood?
KO Hanbul