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The Silent Bride

CHO Eunsol

  • Korea
  • 80min
  • DCP, mov


In 1963, 131 women fled from the 'Seoul Women's Camp.' The director tries to find 'Ok-ja,' who led the great escape. The director meets the camp's victims, who testify why they had no choice but to throw their bodies and resist. "Indefinite prison term, violence and hunger, forced marriages..." The escape plan was meticulous and bold. However, they are still suffering. The director represents the great escape in 1963 with hopeful imaginations, wishing Ok-ja and the women to be truly free.


In 1961, South Korean government established 'Seoul Women's Camp' to rehabilitate sex workers. However, not only 'women who did sex work' but also 'women who had the potential to do so' were forced into the camp. Many became sex workers after being incarcerated in 'Seoul Women's Camp.' The camp's inmates suffered from hunger and violence; some married strangers out of compulsion. Over 30 years, the camp housed at least 300,000 people (including duplicates), but women kept quiet and buried the pain in their hearts due to fear of social stigma. The Silent Bride hopes to help the victims recover their reputations and get enough bravery to testify.


  • CHO Eunsol

