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The House of Shadow

YUN Nuri

  • Korea
  • 80min
  • DCP


Having lived an unstable life due to domestic violence, I always dreamed of a new life away from home. However, even after leaving home, I feel that I am still wandering without settling in one place.

Then I encountered three homeless women. A, a middle-aged activist, young man B of my age, and even an adolescent C. Their lives intersect with my past, present, and future. I ask a question - if a lot of women feel isolated and anxious in their lives, how can we imagine a society where no one is easily isolated? Can we dream of a stable life in such an unstable society?



Why can't we see the presence of women who make up one-fifth of the homeless population. This is because the appearance of homeless women is overshadowed by the masculine homeless community and welfare system centered on men.
 However, the link between "poverty, residential insecurity, domestic violence, sex crimes, and mental illness" surrounding the life of a homeless women is by no means limited to them. Already, a number of women's lives have suffered from domestic violence, sex crimes, and mental illness, or are exposed to the dangers. Although the individual's situation is never unrelated to social structural problems, we have overlooked the possibility in which it is believed to be due to individual capabilities, luck, or wrongdoings. However, we can no longer ignore that you might not be spared from these problems that can possibly be found in the course of our lives, anytime, anywhere.


  • YUN Nuri



  • Producer±èº¸°æ KIM Bogyoung