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Untying the Knot


  • Philippines, UK
  • 90min
  • DCP
  • color


Untying the Knot follows the fight to legalize divorce in the Philippines through the eyes of three women. GRACE was abused by her husband for 21 years and now leads the biggest pro-divorce group in the country. Despite the growing support for her work, she faces attacks from religious organizations. A devout Christian, Grace fears that the price of fighting for her advocacy could be her banishment from her local church. Thirteen years after she and her husband parted ways, FAITH asked for child support for the first time. Her husband ignored her request and, instead, charged her with adultery. Adultery is still a crime in the Philippines that can only be charged against women and their lovers. If found guilty, Faith could face six years in prison. MERCY'S husband is serving time for killing two men in roadside brawls. When she told him she would like to cut ties, it prompted a series of hand-written death threats from prison. With his upcoming release, Mercy's only wish is for her kids to be safe and for her farm not to end up with this man. In this film, we see their struggles, the toll, and, with limited prospects and resources, how far they are willing to go.


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  • Producer¶÷Áö ÇÏ´Ùµå Ramzy HADDAD